Welcome to the official website of the Cross Road Baptist Church of Rock Hill, South Carolina. It is our hope and prayer that you would come and worship with us, so that we can meet you in person. If you are not a Christian, then we would love the opportunity to share Jesus Christ with you, who is at the heart and center of this ministry!
Here at Cross Road, we care about your growth and your relationship with God. We take the assignment of your holistic growth and development very seriously and we are excited to partner with you in advancing God's Kingdom here on earth.
Join us here at the Cross Road Baptist Church, where the people of God are Worshiping In His Presence, Walking In His Power, Working In His Plan, and Witnessing to Lost People! If you are in the Charlotte, North Carolina metropolitan area or in the York County metropolitan area of South Carolina, then please consider this your personal invitation to visit with us at Cross Road. You will find Cross Road to be a warm, loving, and friendly place, where everyone is welcome!
Important Announcment From Pastor
God bless you my Cross Road Family! So delighted to be able to share with you that we have returned to in-person worship.
We will still offer online services. On Sunday mornings at 11 a.m., you can tune in for a time of teaching and preaching, where I will share the Word of God with you. Also on Wednesdays at 7 p.m., I will share a time of teaching as well. You can tune into our Facebook page, as we will be streaming live on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
Beloved, let's remain prayerful and continue to stay connected in the midst of all that is going on. May the Lord bless you and remember that we are a church determined to stay focused on The Father's Principles, Promises, and Provisions.
Looking Unto Jesus Christ,
Dr. C. L. Easley Pastor & Servant Leader
9:45 a.m. Sunday School (via conference call)
11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Live In-Person Worship and Facebook Live
**Every 1st Sunday is Communion**
7:00 p.m. Wednesday Night in the Word Facebook Live only
Prayer Conference Call #
(605) 475-4000
Options to give during the COV-19 Pandemic are as follows:
- Via Givelify - Click the icon above **Login is required**
- Mail to: P.O. Box 10521 Rock Hill, SC 29732
- Drop off tithes and offerings on Sundays from 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the church. Trustees will be there to receive them.
Cross Road Baptist Church
2574 Eden Terrace
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 15721
Rock Hill, SC 29732
Phone: (803) 366-8941
Email: crossroadinfo2574@gmail.com